What is Positive Psychology?
Positive Psychology is the Scientific study of building what is right with you not just fixing what’s wrong.
Scientists have identified six core virtues to human flourishing and 24 character strengths. You can identify yours by taking the free scientific survey at viacharacter.org.
Now, take your top five strengths and put them to work – you’ll find that these are the things you are naturally good at and are energized by. Identifying your strengths and honing them is more than just a good idea…it can grow your brain, and change your life.
I’m a Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner, and Resiliency Trainer. Love of Learning and Curiosity are my top two signature strengths. I’m fascinated with the scientific study of what is right with us because with a background in Radio and TV News I’m very familiar with the negativity bias. My goal is to help you discover that what we need to thrive God planted right inside you. That’s Authentic Happiness.

Liz Everman
When you wake up ask yourself, “What do I look forward to most today?” At the end of your day, ask yourself, “What was the most enjoyable part of my day and why?”
Science of happiness
What thoughts, actions, and behaviors make us more productive at work, happier in our relationships, and more fulfilled at the end of the day? That is the focus of the field of positive psychology, often referred to as the science of happiness. Its goal? To investigate what makes us flourish, according to Dr. Martin Seligman, a psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a pioneer in the field. Positive psychology doesn’t turn a blind eye to suffering or psychological illness, but it does encourage individuals and even communities to adopt practices that can boost optimism, increase resilience, and live happy, engaged lives.
We Can’t Change Our Genes, But We Can Change Ourselves
Each night, you could write down one thing you enjoyed about your day on a slip of paper, and drop it in a jar. A year from now, empty the jar and re-read the slips. This method is great because of its double-pronged benefit: not only do you get to dwell on your enjoyment every day, but you can relive it all at once and your brain is wired to think it’s all happening right then!!!